Keeping it real while keeping it positive
Keeping it real while keeping it positive in a negative reporting environment.
If you turn on the tv, pick up a paper or even just look online you’re going to see screeds of commentators telling us the sky is falling and it’s all doom and gloom right now. I guess it’s their job and they’re just reporting the facts but at what point does it become a self-fulfilling prophecy, that if we tell everyone that’s what it is then it becomes that when we otherwise wouldn’t know it was a thing and carry on regardless.
Here at Infinance we concentrate on the positives, what’s going right and how we can make best of any given situation and looking forward with positive expectation.
Reality bites and we need to be aware of factors that affect us but we can also look for and accentuate the positive aspects and build on those.
So keeping it real while keeping it positive is the name of the game because we always expect the best outcomes.
If we keep telling ourselves things are great then let that be the self-fulfilling prophecy.