First of all, Infinance promotes responsible lending, keeping payments well within your uncommitted monthly income (UMI) is paramount to a successful financial future.
If not already in place, we recommend establishing an emergency fund, saving for a rainy day. Little bits and often, it’s amazing how it builds up and just means if something happens out of the blue you have reserves to cover it … building up to at least 3 to 6 months of living expenses is ideal.
There are times however that it’s okay to put some big-ticket personal items on finance, just so long as it’s well affordable and not going to put undue stress on your finances, we want you to enjoy the benefits of it without it becoming the bane of your existence. We’re all about quality decisions, so to that end … proceed and enjoy.
Personal Finance
You choose the vehicle, we sort the finance to go.
With terms from 12 to 60 months, we can tailor a package to suit your requirements
Arrange pre-approval from one of our many providers and go shopping with confidence.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
Love to get out on the water, love fishing or want to get the family into water skiing or wake boarding and need the gear to do it, or just want to cut loose on a jet ski.
Whether new or pre-owned we all know marine craft hold their value and selecting just the right vessel for your needs is exciting times.
We can help sort the budget, get the approval and you can go shopping with confidence.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
This encompasses an array of possibilities, whether it’s a truck or a float or tow vehicle to transport your sport horses or the horses themselves, through to obtaining a pilot’s license and purchasing your first aircraft and everything in between … if it’s your burn and there are long term benefits in it, getting you off the ground and on a journey of discovery is the domain of Infinance.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
In a bit of a mess? Tidy things up in one easy to manage loan and give yourself some breathing space … get it paid off and don’t do it again … lol.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
Doing it in style can take a bit more than planned so if you are going places and want to make it all that more memorable while you’re about it, we can help sort that for you.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
Infinance champions the business world, this is what we’re all about.
Appreciating nothing happens without the business that creates it, from product to employment, it’s the creator of everything outside of government … nothing happens without it.
So to that end, we’re here to facilitate the production and growth of SME’s in particular and larger organisations to develop and pursue ambitions to succeed.
Our funding facilities through banks, non-bank lenders and finance companies are geared to provide what you need, when you need it and continue to provide ongoing requirements.
Commercial Finance
Getting on the road in the vehicles you need to do the job is integral to operations.
We have facilities that let you buy, lease, or rent to buy and can tailor to suit your requirements.
You choose the vehicles, we sort the finance or lease package to go.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
The gear to get the job done.
Whether its ancillary to or the primary facility of your business, our capital and operating expense funding facilities can cater to a vast array of plant and equipment.
From light to heavy-duty, building to manufacturing to earthmoving, truck and transport, forestry gear or servicing equipment to civil, whether it’s bolted to the floor, on rollers, tracks, wheels or even fly’s, there’s a facility available through our many providers to cater to your particular requirements whether it’s for new, used or refinance.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
Keeping it all going with the ebbs and flows and intricacies of operations and markets can lead to vast swings in cashflow while keeping it all on an even keel can be akin to mastering puppetry.
Sources of capital to create a pool and smooth it out can vary, our facilities can be tailored to suit your particular operational requirements while you get on with the job of running your business.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
There may be tons of funds available in your plant and equipment that could be better employed elsewhere. Let’s take a look and see what we can do to pay you back and use it to expand operations or a multitude of purposes you might like to apply it to.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
While it’s still a commercial operation, rural gets its own segment because there’s nothing quite like it, and it comes with its own set of characteristics and requirements.
As a major economic player it’s also home to thousands of hard working kiwis out there doing it and enjoying the special place that living in the country is, its quintessential NZ and comes with its own brand of identity that’s long been recognised on the international stage and embellishes what NZ is all about … and we love it.
Getting in behind the rural community and business is what Infinance is all about and ensuring a long and prosperous future for our agricultural industries is paramount to the future of the whole country.
Rural Finance
Hard to catch a bus to get anywhere in the country isn’t it! Need to upgrade the car, it might be a personal car or a farm truck with a mix of private and business use but either way, keeping it up to date just makes good economic sense … lots of ways we can sort that for you.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
Where do we start and finish here … the possibilities are endless really.
With a long list of applications from farm bikes to tractors and all the attachments and gear to hook up from cropping to haymaking and feeding out, whether its for sheep and beef, venison, dairy and other livestock operations, vege growers, orchard or horticulture … there’s a huge industry going on around the gear to provide for production in these sectors.
With access to a vast array of banks, non-bank lenders and finance companies, Infinance is well suited to provide facilities for your particular requirements.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
Whether its to purchase capital stock of for trading stock funding, for sheep, beef, dairy or any other form of livestock, our specialist facilities can cater to your seasonal requirements.
100% stock purchase finance available
No repayments until the stock are sold
Security only taken over the livestock purchased
Use any stock agent or purchase method you choose
Use revolving credit facility for trading or finishing purpose
Once repaid, use your facility to purchase more stock
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
Seasonal demands require flexible capital sourcing and Infinance has the facilities available to fund that through banks, non-bank lenders and finance companies. We look at the overall picture and work out a facility that will suit you best.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.
The serious stuff.
You know better than anyone what you need, there is a plethora of facilities available within the Infinance product suite to match you up with what you need to get out there and get the job done.
From capital equipment to seasonal operating requirements on an ongoing basis we can tailor packages that work best for you covering the whole gamut of gear.
Sorting out all the lending stuff while you get on and run your business, Infinance keeps you up to date with where you’re at, monitoring your position and any new product developments on the way.
We’re like your partner in the background keeping an eye on proceedings and providing you with equipment funding when and where you need it.
Give us a call, email or complete the enquiry form to explore the possibilities.