Finance - whatever your circumstance or requirements

Get in touch to discuss your particular needs.

First of all, Infinance promotes responsible lending, keeping payments well within your uncommitted monthly income (UMI) is paramount to a successful financial future.

If not already in place, we recommend establishing an emergency fund, saving for a rainy day. Little bits and often, it’s amazing how it builds up and just means if something happens out of the blue you have reserves to cover it … building up to at least 3 to 6 months of living expenses is ideal.

There are times however that it’s okay to put some big-ticket personal items on finance, just so long as it’s well affordable and not going to put undue stress on your finances, we want you to enjoy the benefits of it without it becoming the bane of your existence. We’re all about quality decisions, so to that end … proceed and enjoy.

Personal Finance

Infinance champions the business world, this is what we’re all about.

Appreciating nothing happens without the business that creates it, from product to employment, it’s the creator of everything outside of government … nothing happens without it.

So to that end, we’re here to facilitate the production and growth of SME’s in particular and larger organisations to develop and pursue ambitions to succeed.

Our funding facilities through banks, non-bank lenders and finance companies are geared to provide what you need, when you need it and continue to provide ongoing requirements.

Commercial Finance

While it’s still a commercial operation, rural gets its own segment because there’s nothing quite like it, and it comes with its own set of characteristics and requirements.

As a major economic player it’s also home to thousands of hard working kiwis out there doing it and enjoying the special place that living in the country is, its quintessential NZ and comes with its own brand of identity that’s long been recognised on the international stage and embellishes what NZ is all about … and we love it.

Getting in behind the rural community and business is what Infinance is all about and ensuring a long and prosperous future for our agricultural industries is paramount to the future of the whole country.

Rural Finance