Infinance now accredited with Kiwibank
When you set up a brokerage you typically go through a head dealer group that has all the facilities in place with banks, non-bank lenders, finance and insurance companies, use their systems and compliance facilities so you have a large organisation to tap into.
Infinance has Link Financial Group ( LFG ) as the aggregator group we go through operating under our own brand ‘Infinance’.
One by one you go through the accreditation process with each provider which we’ve done with all the other main banks however Kiwibank have a limited intake each year and like to see you with a few runs on the board before they will on board you as an adviser and offer you accreditation.
So we’re please to say we now have full accreditation with Kiwibank for home loan facilities, Kiwibank also being a Kainga Ora partner for first home buyers.
We have our first application with Kiwibank submitted already which happens to be a First Home Buyer which is great, we’re on our way to have the first mortgage with Kiwibank approved and looking forward to many many more happy outcomes.